GDPR Workshop

Friday 13th October 2017 from 14:00 until 17:00

Great Bow Wharf, TA10 9PN 


 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) brings substantial changes to the rules around personal data and its use. To ensure effective compliance by deadline of 25 May 2018, all organisations need processes and procedures in place to comply with the requirements of the GDPR. In some instances, there will also be a requirement for organisations to appoint a suitably qualified and trained data protection officer (DPO). The workshop will give an overview of:

•The differences in the definitions under the 1998 Act

•The differences in the Principles under the 1998 Act

•The new obligations on both the Data Processor and the Data Controller

•The new data breach reporting requirements

•The role of the Data Protection Officer

•Data Portability

•Privacy Impact Assessments and Privacy By Design

•The practical steps you should undertake for implementation of the Regulation



Great Bow Wharf
Bow Street
TA10 9PN

Only disabled parking on site.

Patricia Marks

 Patricia comes from a background in manufacturing and more recently marketing and people development.

GDPR Workshop
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