Registering your business with HMRC

Thursday 19th October 2017 from 10:00 until 12:00


Self-assessment Tax Returns key dates, filing deadlines and late filing penalties.

Keeping records for your business, book keeping on paper, spreadsheets and accounting software

What constitutes a valid business expense

Self-assessment tax calculations and payment dates

Registering your business for VAT, how to identify a valid VAT receipt, changes arising out of the Governments “Making Tax Digital” initiative and VAT.

The future provision of information to HMRC when “Making Tax Digital” is expanded to taxes other than VAT 



Great Bow Wharf
Bow Street
TA10 9PN

Only disabled parking on site

Peter Male Guest Speaker Somerset Business Agency

Peter Male

Peter stated his training for a practice specialising in the agricultural sector in 1977 before moving to a tax specialist practice in Bristol where he remained until 1990 when he got married and returned to the West Country taking up a position with a practice in Bridgwater. Finally in 2009 Peter moved to Probusiness a general accountancy and business advice practice based in Wells and became a Director a couple of years later.

Probusiness provides a “fixed fee” accountancy and taxation service to SME’s and individuals in the Wells and surrounding area including some clients in the London area.

Registering your business with HMRC
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