Consumer Insights Workshop

Thursday 16th November 2017 from 10:00 until 13:00

Great Bow Wharf, TA10 9PN 


The need for businesses, big and small, to deliver a fantastic customer experience has never been more crucial.  As the World changes rapidly, consumers become more savvy and more selective and brands and businesses need to fight to survive in an increasingly competitive environment.  Management of the customer experience requires a business to make strategic choices about what they want their brand and their company to be known for, which customer segments to focus on and what mix of cost/price, product and service strategies will serve them and their customers most effectively. 

By the year 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.  Never has understanding the market and the consumer been more important.  But how is this achieved especially if the business is small, capabilities are limited and the budget is tight?

This consumer insights workshop explores the importance of getting to know the consumer better.  It talks to the fundamental role that it has in all businesses and it also gives a “101” of how to get started on a journey of customer discovery to ensure an improved bottom line revenue.

This workshop is aimed at new enterprises and small businesses who know they need to build a relationship with their customer to ensure customer love for the brand.   Its purpose will be to give some theory, but more importantly to discuss examples and ways forward.  It will be a highly interactive session with participants encouraged to share their own business stories to ensure relevance and actionable next steps.



Great Bow Wharf
Bow Street
TA10 9PN

Only disabled parking on site.

Phillipa Haynes

Philippa has over 20 years’ experience in Marketing & Consumer Insight, delivering consumer centric strategies for Multinationals across a variety of sectors – automotive, FMCG, retail, Food & Drink & fashion.  She’s passionate about the power of consumer understanding to bring razor-sharp focus to any business, big or small

Consumer Insights Workshop
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